Useful Websites
- Barnet Local Offer : This website helps children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families find the information and support they are looking for, from across the Barnet local area.
- Barnet SENDIASS: Barnet SEND Information, Advice & Support Service provide support for parents of children with SEND.
- Barnet Mencap: Provides a range of services and campaigns for people with learning disabilities and people with autism or Aspergers and their families to secure good services and support in the borough.
- IPOP: Play provision for children with disabilities. An inclusive play organisation proudly working to support children and young people, up to the age of 25 years, to experience activity that positively impacts on their emotional and physical health, enabling them to confidently take their place in the world.
- SEND Code of Practice
- Early Years SEND: Supporting emotional wellbeing and sleep.
- Barnet Parent/Carer Forum
- Whittington Health Trust Free drop-in sessions for parents to speak to a therapist e.g. speech and language or occupational therapist.